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 기부 방법 

 일회성 선물 
오늘을 주고 도와주세요
이웃이 즉각적인 자원에 접근

 반복 선물 
현재와 미래의 운영을 지원하기 위한 자동 선물 만들기

 가상 푸드 드라이브 
친구, 가족, 동료로 구성된 팀과 함께 모금하여 함께 더 많은 성과를 달성하세요.

Planned Gifts

You can turn your personal passion into a lasting impact with a planned gift to Open Heart Kitchen.

Corporate Giving

We value collaboration with community partners because the only way to solve hunger is through systemic change.

Donate Stocks

Avoid capital gains tax and get an income tax deduction when you donate appreciated stocks or mutual funds.

Memorial Gifts

Honor your loved ones with a gift toward ending hunger in the Tri-Valley.

Workplace Giving/

Employee Matching

Many employers provide matching funds for donations and/or volunteer hours.

Donor Advised Fund Grants

If you are planning to give through a donor advised fund, please notify us so that we can properly attribute the gift.

 세금 ID: 


 우편 주소: 
오픈 하트 키친
1141 카탈리나 박사 #137
리버모어 CA 94550

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