Acerca de nosotros
Estamos dedicados a generar un impacto positivo en la comunidad de Tri-Valley. Entendemos que la pobreza y el hambre existen, aunque a menudo se pasen por alto. Nuestra organización está comprometida a ser inclusiva, diversa, equitativa, accesible y liberadora ("IDEAL"). Nos esforzamos por garantizar que nadie en nuestra comunidad pase hambre. A través de nuestros diversos programas e iniciativas, brindamos comidas y apoyo a miles de personas y familias que enfrentan inseguridad alimentaria. Al abordar las causas profundas del hambre, nuestro objetivo es crear un futuro mejor para todos.Únase a nosotros en nuestra misión de luchar contra el hambre y marcar una diferencia en las vidas de nuestros vecinos.
Our Mission
Equitable access to nutritious food today, while building a food secure tomorrow.
Our Vision
Open Heart Kitchen will work with Community Partners to meet the most basic needs of vulnerable people in our community by empowering them to build better futures.
Our Guiding Principles
Dignity – Every person deserves to be treated with dignity and respect.
Innovation – Ending hunger requires innovative solutions.
Advocacy – Ending hunger requires action to create systemic change.
Collaboration – Hunger is linked to numerous issues and the only way to solve hunger is to work with partners to address issues of health, housing, and employment.
Our Story
Founded in 1995 as a small, grassroots effort to address hunger in Livermore, Open Heart Kitchen serves free meals and groceries at multiple locations in Dublin, Livermore and Pleasanton, California.
Guests come from all walks of life, and Open Heart Kitchen has become a safety net to those facing challenging times. Open Heart Kitchen served more than 418,000 meals in 2023.